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How to define a highly scalable folder structure for your Angular projection

Photograph by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

Update! The lawmaking for this commodity is at present available at GitHub. You can view the project here The structure is slightly different from the one discussed in this article, but builds on the aforementioned concepts and ideas.


Finding a suitable binder structure for my Angular applications is something I've struggled with for a long time. This became a real issue in my first e'er real-earth Athwart project — especially when the application grew in size. I ended up continuously calculation new features with no existent structure in identify. This fabricated it difficult to locate files and making additional changes to the binder structure became fourth dimension-consuming. But I did become a proficient understanding about do'southward and don'ts when structuring an Angular app.

The goal of this commodity is to help other developers in a similar situation.

I desire to underline that the practices used in this article is very applicable for my single utilize-case, and should past no means exist strictly followed. The folder construction of a project volition change based on a wide range of factors. Just if you lot're interested in a structure which focuses on a multiple-module compages with a big focus on scaling, go along reading.

Note! The [+] indicates that the folder has additional files.

          |-- app
|-- modules
|-- home
|-- [+] components
|-- [+] pages
|-- home-routing.module.ts
|-- home.module.ts
|-- cadre
|-- [+] hallmark
|-- [+] footer
|-- [+] guards
|-- [+] http
|-- [+] interceptors
|-- [+] mocks
|-- [+] services
|-- [+] header
|-- core.module.ts
|-- ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts
|-- logger.service.ts
|-- shared
|-- [+] components
|-- [+] directives
|-- [+] pipes
|-- [+] models
|-- [+] configs
|-- assets
|-- scss
|-- [+] partials
|-- _base.scss
|-- styles.scss

The Angular Way Guide

The logical place to beginning looking for best practices in Athwart is the Angular Style Guide. The guide offers an opinionated view on syntax, conventions and application structure.

The primal guidelines that actually stood out for me was "Structure the app such that you tin locate lawmaking quickly" and "Have a about-term view of implementation and a long-term vision. Start modest but go along in listen where the app is heading down the road". This ways that you lot shouldn't lock yourself to one structure, since information technology will change a lot depending on the project.


          |-- modules
|-- dwelling
|-- components
|-- pages
| |-- domicile
| |-- home.component.ts|html|scss|spec
|-- dwelling-routing.module.ts
|-- home.module.ts

Tom Crowley has a really interesting article on this topic (institute here), where he works his way from a blank os Athwart project to a really solid binder structure. I actually liked the idea of modules with designated folders for pages- and components. It's perfect for scaling and component- and page logic are separated. So if you're interested in the though-process behind this construction, caput over there.

The Core Module

The CoreModule takes on the role of the root AppModule , just is non the module which gets bootstrapped by Angular at run-fourth dimension. The CoreModule should contain singleton services (which is usually the example), universal components and other features where there's merely in one case case per application. To prevent re-importing the core module elsewhere, you should also add a guard for it in the core module' constructor.

          |-- core
|-- [+] authentication
|-- [+] footer
|-- [+] guards
|-- [+] http
|-- [+] interceptors
|-- [+] mocks
|-- [+] services
|-- [+] header
|-- cadre.module.ts
|-- ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts
|-- logger.service.ts

The hallmark folder only handles the authentication-cycle of the user (from login to logout).

          |-- authentication
|-- authentication.service.ts|spec.ts

The footer- and header folders contains the global component-files, statically used beyond the entire application. These files will appear on every page in the application.

          |-- header
|-- header.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
|-- footer
|-- footer.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts

The http folder handles stuff like http calls from our application. I've also added a api.service.ts file to continue all http calls running through our application in ane single place. The folder does otherwise comprise folders for interacting with the different API-routes.

          |-- http
|-- user
|-- user.service.ts|spec.ts
|-- api.service.ts|spec.ts

Angular iv.x introduced a long-awaited characteristic for handling http requests — the HttpInterceptor interface. This allows us to catch and alter the requests and responses from our API calls. The interceptors folder is a drove of interceptors I find specially useful.

          |-- interceptors
|-- api-prefix.interceptor.ts
|-- error-handler.interceptor.ts
|-- http.token.interceptor.ts

The guards binder contains all of the guards I use to protect dissimilar routes in my applications.

          |-- guards
|-- auth.guard.ts
|-- no-auth-guard.ts
|-- admin-guard.ts

Mocks are particularly useful for testing, just you tin can as well utilize them to retrieve fictional data until the back-end is set up. The mocks binder contains all the mock-files of our app.

          |-- mocks
|-- user.mock.ts

All boosted singleton services are placed in the services binder.

          |-- services
|-- srv1.service.ts|spec.ts
|-- srv2.service.ts|spec.ts

The Shared Module

The SharedModule is where whatsoever shared components, pipes/filters and services should get. The SharedModule tin be imported in any other module when those items will be re-used. The shared module shouldn't take any dependency to the remainder of the awarding and should therefore not rely on whatever other module.

          |-- shared
|-- [+] components
|-- [+] directives
|-- [+] pipes

The components folder contains all the "shared" components. This are components similar loaders and buttons , which multiple components would benefit from.

          |-- components
|-- loader
|-- loader.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
|-- buttons
|-- favorite-push
|-- favorite-push.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts
|-- collapse-button
|-- plummet-button.component.ts|html|scss|spec.ts

The directives , pipes and models folders contains the directives, pipes and models used across the application.

          |-- directives
|-- auth.directive.ts|spec.ts
|-- pipes
|-- capitalize.pipe.ts
|-- prophylactic.pipe.ts
|-- models
|-- user.model.ts
|-- server-response.ts


The config folder contains app settings and other predefined values.

          |-- configs
|-- app-settings.config.ts
|-- dt-norwegian.config.ts


The global styles for the project are placed in a scss binder nether assets .

          |-- scss
|-- partials
|-- _layout.vars.scss
|-- _responsive.partial.scss
|-- _base.scss
|-- styles.scss

The scss folder does only contain one binder — partials. Fractional-files tin can be imported by other scss files. In my instance, styles.scss imports all the partials to apply their styling.

Lazy Loading

The application uses lazy-loading, which means the module isn't loaded before the user actually accesses the route. By using the structure described in the "Modules"-section, you can hands refer each module in your principal app-routing file.


In determination, there's no design when it comes to creating a folder-structure in Athwart. The structure will change a lot depending on the project you're working on. This article covers an explicit utilise-instance using multiple modules, which in plough are divided into pages and a shared set of components. Merely here are links to some github repos with a flatter construction:


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